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Better Sleep Doesn't Come in a Box

March 18, 2019 | by Hanny Diab, V.P Merchandising, Marketing & Sales

Packaging plays a huge role in selling a product. Billions of marketing dollars are spent every year making sure the packaging for a product impresses, sometimes exceeding even the quality of the product contained inside. When it comes to a box, things like pizza, crayons and donuts are perfect – NOT a mattress.

Tempur-Pedic Mattress

TempurPedic - It's like no other mattress

Try to Look Past the Marketing
Throughout the recent holiday season, you may have noticed a significant increase in the number of bed-in-a-box ads you have encountered. This trend, that targets the millenials need for convenience, has all the makings of a fad that will undoubtedly have bed-in-a-box consumers heading back to the mattress store in the near future.

While they have proven to be very popular, the bed-in-a-box fad is a novelty that is rooted more in distinct marketing than it is in unique product technology. I carry bed-in-a-box-type products in my bedding showroom, and I have noticed that when given the opportunity to actually try the products side by side, few-to-none choose the bed-in-a-box variants.

Why Choose Convenience Over Your Health?
The reasons for bed-in-a-box popularity is based solely on hype and perceived convenience of shopping online and the easy click-and-deliver method for such a large item. However, once you get past the ease of ordering, the fun stops there. At a time when I am offering more than 130 different variations of mattresses that will fit each consumers’ individual needs, the bed-in-a-box product has a one-size-fits-all approach to comfort and custom fit. Everyone knows one size does not fit all!

There’s no new technology in the bed-in-a-box products, which is merely a piece of dense foam that is most notable for its pliability to fit in the box. On the other side of things, that dense foam does not breathe like organic products and it traps heat that leads to uncomfortable sleep.

Healthy Sleep is Available & Affordable
The trend that I have seen in my bedding showroom clearly shows me that the vast majority of consumers understand the importance of getting a good night’s sleep, which is directly related to the comfort they find in their mattress choice. People are buying better mattresses – because a better nights sleep is becoming more and more important to them and a healthier lifestyle.

At $1,000 a pop, bed-in-a-box convenience isn’t cheap. Consider that what you are paying for is the marketing and the novelty of the compact delivery mechanism – nothing to do with technology advances, quality sleep or value.

My two top-line brands, Beautyrest Black and Aireloom, deliver cutting-edge technological advances in support and pressure point relief, featuring high quality foams and fabrics that breathe. Aireloom features organic materials that are healthier options for consumers. Aireloom mattresses are handmade, hand sewn and represent the top level of quality materials with craftsmanship. I see tremendous sales on the eight Aireloom models I have because people see the difference once they touch the product and lay down on the actual mattress.

Beautyrest and Aireloom Mattresses

Beautyrest Black and Aireloom Mattresses at Darvin

If you want to get the new year off to a great start, give yourself a chance to get a great night’s sleep and contribute to a healthy lifestyle by avoiding the convenient hype of the bed-in-a-box mattress and opt for the big-picture benefits of a quality, custom-fit product at Darvin Furniture & Mattress.

Come in and see a Sleep Specialist Today!